Transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography Standards | Draft NIST IR 8547 is Available for Comment

The initial public draft of NIST Internal Report (IR) 8547, Transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography Standards, is now available for public comment.

This report describes NIST’s expected approach to transitioning from quantum-vulnerable cryptographic algorithms to post-quantum digital signature algorithms and key-establishment schemes. It identifies existing quantum-vulnerable cryptographic standards and the current quantum-resistant standards that will be used in the migration. This report should inform the efforts and timelines of federal agencies, industry, and standards organizations for migrating information technology products, services, and infrastructure to PQC. Comments received on this draft will be used to revise this transition plan and feed into other algorithm- and application-specific guidance for the transition to PQC. 

The public comment period is open through January 10, 2025. See the publication details for a copy of the draft and instructions for submitting comments.

NOTE: A call for patent claims is included on page ii of this draft. For additional information, see the 
Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) Patent Policy  Inclusion of Patents in ITL Publications.

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