Multiple Security Updates Affecting TCP/IP: CVE-2021-24074, CVE-2021-24094,
and CVE-2021-24086
URL: https://msrc-blog.microsoft.com/2021/02/09/multiple-security-updates-affecting-tcp-ip/
Published On (YYYY-dd-MM):2021-09-02
Today Microsoft released a set of fixes affecting Windows TCP/IP
implementation that include two Critical Remote Code Execution
(RCE) vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-24074, CVE-2021-24094) and
an Important Denial of Service
(DoS) vulnerability (CVE-2021-24086). The two RCE vulnerabilities are
complex which make it difficult to
create functional exploits, so they are not
likely in the short term. We believe attackers will be able to create
DoS exploits much more quickly and expect all three issues might
be exploited with a DoS attack shortly after
release. Thus, we recommend customers move …