NIST final public draft Special Publication 800-37, Revision 2

NIST announces the final public draft Special
Publication 800-37, Revision 2
Risk Management Framework for
Information Systems and Organizations–A System Life Cycle Approach for
Security and Privacy

There are seven
major objectives for this update:

  • To
    provide closer linkage and communication between the risk management
    processes and activities at the C-suite or governance level of the
    organization and the individuals, processes, and activities at the system
    and operational level of the organization;
  • To
    institutionalize critical risk management preparatory activities at all
    risk management levels to facilitate a more effective, efficient, and
    cost-effective execution of the RMF;
  • To
    demonstrate how the 
    NIST Cybersecurity Framework can be aligned with
    the RMF and implemented using established NIST risk management processes;
  • To
    integrate privacy risk management processes into the RMF to better support
    the privacy protection needs for which privacy programs are responsible;
  • To
    promote the development of trustworthy secure software and systems by
    aligning life cycle-based systems engineering processes in 
    NIST Special Publication 800-160, Volume 1, with the
    relevant tasks in the RMF;
  • To
    integrate security-related, supply chain risk management (SCRM) concepts
    into the RMF to address untrustworthy suppliers, insertion of
    counterfeits, tampering, unauthorized production, theft, insertion of
    malicious code, and poor manufacturing and development practices
    throughout the SDLC; and
  • To
    allow for an organization-generated control selection approach to
    complement the traditional baseline control selection approach and support
    the use of the consolidated control catalog in 
    NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 5.

The addition of the
Prepare step is one of the key changes to the RMF—incorporated to achieve more
effective, efficient, and cost-effective security and privacy risk management

In addition to
seeking your comments on this final public draft, we are specifically
seeking feedback on a new RMF Task P-13, Information Life Cycle. The life
cycle describes the stages through which information passes, typically
characterized as creation or collection, processing, dissemination, use,
storage, and disposition, to include destruction and deletion. Identifying and
understanding all stages of the information life cycle have significant
implications for security and privacy. We are seeking comment on how
organizations would executive this task and how we might provide the most
helpful discussion to assist organizations in the execution.  

The public comment period
for the draft publication
October 2 through October 31
. Please submit comments using