USB to GO for Windows 8–Step be Step Guide

Making a USB to go Windows 8 Stick, in 13 steps!

The will show you the step by step process that I use.

My configuration is as follows:

The C: drive has Windows 8 on it

Using the E: as location of windows source

Using D: as USB drive to put windows to go

Using F: as location that I mounted install.

All commands are bolded for easy in using the document;


1.  Do: 

Open a Dos Command Prompt as Administrator

2. Type:


Note: this open Diskpart program

3. Type:

List disk

Note: show disk drive in my computer

Disk ### Status Size Free Dyn Gpt

——– ————- ——- ——- — —

Disk 0 Online 128 GB 0 B *

Disk 1 Online 256GB 0 B

Disk 2 Online 64 MB 0 B

Note: my USB drive is 64 gigs

4: Type:

 Select disk 2

Note: put focus on drive 2

5: Type:


Note: cleans all data off drive

6: Type:

Create partition primary

Note: creates primary partition

7: Type:

format fs=ntfs quick

Note: format the drive using ntfs and fast format

8: Type:


Note: make the drive active so you can boot USB drive

9: Type:

assign letter=d

Note: make the USB drive letter d

10: Type


Note: end Diskpart program

11: Do the following:

Either put Windows 8 DVD in Drive for or Mount Image as f drive

Note in Windows 8 point to and ISO Image and in explore click mount or put Windows DVD in drive f

12:Type in dos windows:

dism /apply-image /imagefile=f:sourcesinstall.wim /index:1 /applydir:d:

Note this will install Windows to d drive using the Install. Win then you will see if you done the steps correctly.

Applying image

[===========================55.0% ]

When 100 %

When done

13: Type:

bcdboot.exe d:windows /s d: /f ALL

Note: This install the boot manager to D: so windows will boot.

You are now done..

Take USB computer to a computer start computer by pressing F12 and choose USB device to boot...

This will take some time first time you use it to add all the new devices that the USB drive finds in the host computer