AS a security profession i am always on the look for tools that we help me do easer. Ipswich has just offered a free tool that should be in any Windows administrator took kit.
The Engineer’s Toolkit has a single login and credentials library, features robust functionality, and is designed to simplify common network engineering tasks. The Engineer’s Toolkit can help you with:
* Network design and planning
* DNS verification
* Network diagnostics
* Remote access to devices and servers
* Network discovery
* Configuration and credential management
Your role as a network engineer is not an easy one. Routine tasks often take more time than planned and troubleshooting issues can lead to long days, not to mention a few headaches.
Take advantage of our limited time offer -Get the WhatsUp Gold Engineer’s Toolkit today for free! Get ready to simplify network engineering.
Download your WhatsUp Gold Engineer’s Toolkit( today and gain access to the most robust and usable toolkit available featuring one application, one interface, and one easy way to monitor, diagnose and troubleshoot network issues!