Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2010 Update

As a security person I hear what the best build way to build computers system that I can baseline them . I use tools like MDT 2010.

The Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2010  is a FREE tool that will allow you to create images for operating systems. This tool will script the building of operating systems XP service pack 3, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2003, Server 2008, Server 2008r2. You can also add applications,  and configurations.

If you have SCCM or use WDS you can take the results created by this tool.  It also has method for upgrading XP to Windows 7 while leaving user data on the system. There is a tool called USMT (User state migration toolkit) using you can specify what data you like to keep on the computer or move to a share during a upgrade.

You can download the beta 1 at

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Infrastructure Planning and Design Guides—Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 Released

AS a network administrator you may need guidance to plan and design  and implementation your SQL infrastructure. Using guide like this will also give you best practices to reduce security issues.

The Infrastructure Planning and Design (IPD) guide for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 helps organizations address key design decisions and confidently plan the efficient implementation of a SQL Server infrastructure. The tasks addressed in this guide help technical decision makers identify the appropriate SQL Server roles needed as well as determine the infrastructure components, server placement, and fault-tolerance configuration necessary to meet planning requirements. By using this guidance, organizations can make efficient planning and optimal design decisions for their SQL Server infrastructures.

Download the IPD Guide for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 at


Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4 released

This is another tool that a security or network administrator needs. This is a Windows based Sniffer with the following benefits

A new high performance capturing feature allows you to capture on faster networks without dropping frames. Parser profiles provide a simple way to increase filtering/parsing speed and allow you to switch quickly between various parser sets. And UI updates like Color Rules, Windows Layouts and Column Management give you flexibility to do cool customizations to help you work the way you want..

To download the latest version, please visit our Microsoft Download Center page. For more information see the release blog which has the official announcement.


WhatsUp Gold Engineer’s Toolkit

AS a security profession i am always on the look for tools that we help me do easer. Ipswich has just offered a free tool that should be in any Windows administrator took kit.

The Engineer’s Toolkit has a single login and credentials library, features robust functionality, and is designed to simplify common network engineering tasks. The Engineer’s Toolkit can help you with:

* Network design and planning

* DNS verification

* Network diagnostics

* Remote access to devices and servers

* Network discovery

* Configuration and credential management

Your role as a network engineer is not an easy one. Routine tasks often take more time than planned and troubleshooting issues can lead to long days, not to mention a few headaches.

Take advantage of our limited time offer -Get the WhatsUp Gold Engineer’s Toolkit today for free! Get ready to simplify network engineering.

Download your WhatsUp Gold Engineer’s Toolkit( today and gain access to the most robust and usable toolkit available featuring one application, one interface, and one easy way to monitor, diagnose and troubleshoot network issues!


Critical Security Advisory for Flash Player, Adobe Reader and Acrobat


This is a very big issues for most users, Adobe announced that on Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Solaris operating a  critical vulnerability exists  in ALL versions of Flash player version and earlier versions .

They also announced that  a component that ships with Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.x for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX operating systems 

These vulnerabilities could cause a crash and potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system. There are reports that this vulnerability is being actively exploited in the wild against both Adobe Flash Player, and Adobe Reader and Acrobat.

At this time there in NOT a FIX. Adobe will update their site once a schedule has been determined for releasing a fix.