Network monitor 3.3 Released

Supports WINDOWS 7 1

· Ability to capture on WWAN and Tunnel interfaces on Win7.

· Critical fixes to NM3.3 to operate correctly with Hyper-V.

· Right-click-add-to-alias. Right-click a frame in the Frame Summary window with an IPv4, IPv6, or MAC address to add that address as a new alias.

· Right-click-go-to-definition: Right-click a field in the Frame Details windows and select Go To Data Field Definition or Go To Data Type Definition to see where the field is defined in the NPL parsers.

· Auto-scroll. See the most recent traffic as it comes in. In a live capture, click the Autoscroll button on the main toolbar to have the Frame Summary window automatically scroll down to display the most recent frames as they come in. Click Auto-scroll again to freeze the view in its present location.

· Experts available online: Experts are stand-alone applications that analyze Network Monitor capture data. Various experts are available online at

· Frame Comments: Attach comments to frames in a saved capture file. Select the Frame Comments tab in the lower-right window to add, view, edit, or delete comments.

· API Extensions: API methods have been added to enable access to conversation information, properties, field display strings, and comments.

· Ability to open ETL files and correlate information by Network Tracing scenario.

· Set of core parsers to improve parsing performance. These can be accessed by changing the Common and Windows set of parsers to stubs:

From the Tools menu, select Options

· Go to the Parsers Tab

· Select the folder you want to stub out (Common or Windows)

· Click on the Stubs button on toolbar

· See our Release Notes for a complete list of new features and known issues.

· Experts: Experts are stand-alone applications that analyze Network Monitor capture data. Network Monitor 3.3 provides a simple interface for registering experts with the product and invoking them on a saved capture file. We have made some initial experts available online. Do you have a network troubleshooting need that is not currently met by Network Monitor or our available experts? Why not suggest your own expert? Please use the feedback link on the left to submit a description of the analysis task you want to solve (you must first join our connection) and we will work with you to create an expert for the community to enjoy.