Second Shot Tests are Back For Microsoft !

Second Shot provides you with a free retake on your exam should you need it – at no additional cost to you. To qualify as free, the retake must be the same exam as the one you didn’t pass. Plus, either exam can be taken in a testing center or through Online Proctoring (OP), offering you greater exam taking flexibility. Find out if OP is available in your country.

To qualify for Second Shot,

  • Schedule and take an MCP exam between July 12, 2015, and January 12, 2016. Simply go to, log in, and schedule your exam.

  • After your exam, log in to check your personal dashboard at to verify testing results. Please allow up to 24 hours for results to show up on the dashboard.

  • Register for your retake within 30 days of the date from the failed exam date.

  • Review the Pearson VUE testing center availability for your specific exam and then schedule your retake.

  • For complete terms and conditions of this offer, visit the Second Shot page on our website.

For More Info go here


Microsoft Virtual Academy Classes

Here are a few classes that you might want attend.

What’s New in Windows Server 2016 Preview Jump Start

Would you like to get your IT department out of the business of managing routine, manual, error-prone tasks so you can finally focus on higher value improvement and deployment activities that delight your enterprise users? Join us for a demo-packed look at Windows Server 2016 Preview, and see why it is the platform of choice for the integrated datacenter.
A team of experts walks you through a host of new automation features and support for partner technologies and your open source solution investments. In these two half-day sessions, explore enhanced virtualization functionality, together with automated processes and configuration to help you spin up compute, storage, and networking resources faster. Preview new features that reduce system downtime, find out how rolling upgrades can help you adopt updates and operating systems faster for Hyper-V and Scale-Out File Server, and take a look at new storage replication technology. Plus, check out the zero-footprint, cloud-optimized Nano Server technology, along with scripting with the new PowerShell Desired State Configuration features. Build on your Windows Server knowledge, and find out what’s new in Windows Server 2016 Preview!

Course Outline:

  • Introducing Windows Server 2016 Preview
  • Server Virtualization in Windows Server 2016 Preview
  • Introducing Nano Server
  • Introducing Windows and Hyper-V Containers
  • Software-Defined Storage in Windows Server 2016 Preview
  • Software-Defined Networking in Windows Server 2016 Preview
  • Automation in Windows Server 2016 Preview

Register Here

Preparing Your Enterprise for Windows 10 as a Service

What do you need to begin testing Windows 10 for your organization? Find out, in the fifth episode of the Enterprise Mobility Core Skills series. Learn about and see some of the features that make Windows 10 useful to your users and a powerful technical platform for IT Pros.
Gain core skills around new infrastructure components to take advantage of everything in Windows 10. Find out how Windows will evolve through servicing, and learn how you can make the most of servicing to get new features to your users faster.

Register Here


Getting Started with Windows 10 for IT Professionals

Here is a online course you can take about windows 10

Register Here


PowerShell IP Commands

Here is a second in a series of articles on using PowerShell I would suggest for the beginner use PowerShell ISE this will help you with the commands. We cover IP configuration in this article.

Some Commands that you can use in PowerShell are;



















By knowing this we can use this to do IPv4 Troubleshooting Process, we could use the old command line tools, but with PowerShell we can save results and pipe some commands. For example;


Windows PowerShell

Command-line tool

Verify the network configuration is correct



Identify the network path between hosts

Test-NetConnection -TraceRoute


See if the remote host responds



Test the service on a remote host

Test-NetConnection -Port


See if the default gateway responds




Technorati Tags:

PowerShell for Security and Auditors

Here is a start of a series of articles on using PowerShell I would suggest for the beginner use PowerShell ISE this will help you with the commands.

Here are some cmdlets that Manage User Accounts




Creates user accounts


Modifies properties of user accounts


Deletes user accounts


Resets the password of a user account


Modifies the expiration date of a user account


Unlocks a user account after it has become locked after too many incorrect login attempts


Enables a user account


Disables a user account

Here are some cmdlets that Manage Groups




Creates new groups


Modifies properties of groups


Displays properties of groups


Deletes groups


Adds members to groups


Displays membership of groups


Removes members from groups


Adds group membership to objects


Displays group membership of objects


Removes group membership from an object

Here are some cmdlets that Manage Computer Accounts




Creates new computer accounts


Modifies properties of computer accounts


Displays properties of computer accounts


Deletes computer accounts


Verifies or repairs the trust relationship between a computer and the domain



Resets the password for a computer account

Here are some cmdlets that Manage OUs




Creates OUs


Modifies properties of OUs


Views properties of OUs


Deletes OUs


So now that we have basic commands look what we can do just using the Get-ADuser PowerShell command.

Show all the properties for a user account:

Get-ADUser –Name “Administrator” -Properties

Show all the user accounts in the Sales OU and all its sub containers in the domain

Get-ADUser –Filter * -SearchBase “ou=Sales,dc=foo, dc=com” -SearchScope subtree

Show all of the user accounts with a last logon date older than a specific date:

Get-ADUser -Filter {lastlogondate -lt “January 1, 2015”}

Show all of the user accounts in the Sales department that have a last logon date older than a specific date:

Get-ADUser -Filter {(lastlogondate -lt “January 1, 2015”) -and (department -eq “Sales”)}

Now let’s get Wild…… Let show how to make this really easy to use by the use of Pipes.

Use the pipe character ( | ) to pass a list of objects to a cmdlet for further processing (think about the results of 1 cmdlet being used by the next.

So this script will look for users who have not login since January 1, 2015 and the use that to then disable those accounts….

Get‑ADUser ‑Filter {lastlogondate ‑lt “January 1, 2012”} | Disable‑ADAccount

I could have saved the first part of the command to a text file called users.txt and then ran

Get-Content C:users.txt | Disable-ADAccount


Windows 10 Coming

Here are some resources for you to get up to speed.. July 29 is the day .

These are Video from the Ignite conference ..

Overview of Windows 10 for Enterprises – Jim Alkove

Secure Authentication with Windows Hello – Nelly Porter

A New Era of Threat Resistance for the Windows 10 Platform – Chris Hallum

The New User Experience with Windows 10 – Chaitanya Sareen

What’s New in Windows 10 Management and the Windows Store – Michael Niehaus

Windows 10 Mobile Device Management (MDM) in Depth – Janani Vasudevan

Top Features of Windows 10 – Simon May

Provisioning Windows 10 Devices with New Tools – Vladimir Holostov

Windows as a Service: What Does It Mean for Your Business? – Michael Beck

Windows 10: Ask the Experts – Mark Minasi & Experts



Technorati Tags:

Microsoft Security Intelligence Report

The latest volume of the Microsoft Security Intelligence Report is now available. This volume of the report focuses on the threat landscape in the second half of 2014 when there were some dramatic changes.

The vulnerability disclosure data published in the report suggests that there was a 56.3% increase in vulnerability disclosures between the third and fourth quarters of 2014. After many periods of relatively small changes in disclosure totals, the 4,512 vulnerabilities disclosed during the second half of 2014 is the largest number of vulnerabilities disclosed in any half-year period since the CVE system was launched in 1999. Disclosures of vulnerabilities in applications other than web browsers and operating system applications increased 98.3% in the second half of 2014 and accounted for 76.5% of total disclosures for the period.

Figure 1. Industry wide vulnerability disclosures between the first half of 2012 (1H12) and the second half of 2014 (2H14)

Figure 2. Industry wide operating system, browser, and application vulnerabilities between the first half of 2012 (1H12) and the second half of 2014 (2H14)
Overall, encounters with Java exploits continued to decrease significantly in the second half of 2014, while Flash Player exploit attempts increased.

Figure 3. Trends for the top Java exploits detected and blocked by Microsoft real-time antimalware products in 2014

Figure 4. Adobe Flash Player exploits detected and blocked by Microsoft real-time antimalware products in 2014
Regional threat assessments are available for over 100 countries as well as an online tool that enables you to quickly compare two locations.

Figure 5. Infection and Encounter Rate Trends tool available at


This post is a copy of the Microsoft June 2015’s Security Newsletter and is copied here to share info with you….

This Document is a must read for Any Security or IT professional

Windows 10 User Talks




With Windows 10 being released on July 29, 2015 I have agreed to do some end user talks on what new with Windows 10

I will be covering;

  • Upgrade paths
  • New Interfaces
  • New browser Edge
  • New way to logion (Microsoft Hello)
  • Changes to security
  • Different Versions of Windows
  • Universal Apps
  • And other topics

The dates for the first few talk and locations are

Aug. 4,  DACS – Danbury Area Computer Society   7pm at

Danbury Hospital Creasy Auditorium, Danbury, CT  Website 

Aug 6  WPCUG – Westchester PC User Group  7pm at

120 Bloomingdale Rd 1st floor,  White Plains NY 10605  Website

Aug 27  TPCUG PC Users Group of Connecticut  7pm at

Trumbull Public Library on Quality Street in Trumbull, CT  Website


NetHope Project Haiti

I have been volunteering in Haiti with NetHope working on helping the IT community by doing some training. The people who I work with are very happy when people care and I challenge you to get involved. I taught 2 classes on on Security + and one on ethical hacking. here are some pictures of the class



I challenge to you get involved and help volunteer either locally or international…

to learn more about  NetHope Academy Program – in Haiti go Here

Technorati Tags:

Free ebook: Microsoft Azure Essentials: Azure Web Apps for Developers

Azure Web Apps is a fully managed platform that you can use to build mission-critical web applications that are highly available, secure, and scalable to global proportions. Combined with first-class tooling from Visual Studio and the Microsoft Azure Tools, the Azure Web Apps service is the fastest way to get your web application to production. Azure Web Apps is part of the Azure App Service that is designed to empower developers to build web and mobile applications for any device.

. The topics explored in this book include the following:

  • Chapter 1, “Microsoft Azure Web Apps”: This chapter starts with an introduction to Azure Resource Groups and App Service Plans and progresses into essential tasks such as creating and configuring a web app. Learn best practices for storing and retrieving app settings and connection strings. Configure deployment slots and set up continuous deployment using Visual Studio Online. Wrap up with a discussion about Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and how you can use it to manage access to your Azure resources.
  • Chapter 2, “Azure WebJobs”: Learn everything you need to know to build and deploy background processing tasks using Azure WebJobs. You will learn the basics of the WebJobs feature and proceed into a deeper discussion on how to use the WebJobs SDK. You will learn about the Azure WebJobs Dashboard and how the WebJobs SDK enhances the dashboard experience.
  • Chapter 3, “Scaling Azure Web Apps”: Learn how to scale up and scale out your Azure web app and web jobs. You will learn how to configure Autoscale to scale your web app dynamically based on performance metrics and schedules. See how you can use Azure Traffic Manager to achieve global scale for your web apps.
  • Chapter 4, “Monitoring and diagnostics”: Learn about the many logging features built into the Azure Web Apps platform and how to configure logging to get the diagnostics data you need to troubleshoot issues. You will learn how to configure storage locations and retention policies for logs, how to view logs in real time using the log streaming service, and even how to debug your web app remotely while it is running in Azure. You will get an introduction to some powerful site extensions you can use to view logs and perform analysis directly from your browser. Finally, you will learn how you can monitor your resource group down to individual resources and how you can use Application Insights to deliver a complete 360-degree view into your application code for monitoring and diagnostic purposes.

Download the PDF (4.89 MB)