NIST Draft Guide on Validating the Integrity of Computing Devices

 Submit Comments on Draft
NIST SP 1800-34,
the Integrity of Computing Devices

The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) has
published for public comment a draft of NIST SP 1800-34, Validating the Integrity of
Computing Devices

What Is This Guide About?

Technologies today rely on complex, globally distributed and
interconnected supply chain ecosystems to provide reusable solutions.
Organizations are increasingly at risk of cyber supply chain compromise,
whether intentional or unintentional. Managing cyber supply chain risks
requires, in part, ensuring the integrity, quality, and resilience of the
supply chain and its products and services. This project demonstrates how
organizations can verify that the internal components of their computing
devices are genuine and have not been altered during the manufacturing or
distribution processes.

Share Your Expertise

Please download the document and share your
with us to strengthen the draft practice guide. The public
comment period for this draft is now open and will close on July 25th,
2022. You can stay up to date on this project by sending an email to to join our
Community of Interest. Also, if you have any project ideas for our team, please
let us know by sending an email to the email address above. We look forward to
your feedback.

Additional NIST Supply Chain Work

NIST is also working on an important effort, the National
Initiative for Improving Cybersecurity in Supply Chains (NIICS) with the
private sector and others in government to improve cybersecurity in supply
chains. This initiative will help organizations to build, evaluate, and assess
the cybersecurity of products and services in their supply chains, an area of
increasing concern. For more information on this effort, you can click here.

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