A Vulnerability in Veeam Backup & Replication Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution – PATCH NOW

A vulnerability has been discovered in Veeam Backup & Replication, which could allow for arbitrary code execution. Veeam Backup & Replication is a comprehensive data protection and disaster recovery solution. With Veeam Backup & Replication, you can create image-level backups of virtual, physical and cloud machines and restore from them. Exploitation of this vulnerability requires authentication to the domain but could result in arbitrary code execution. Data such as backups and images could be compromised.

There are currently no reports of these vulnerabilities being exploited in the wild. 


  • Veeam Backup & Replication and all earlier version 12 builds. 


  • Large and medium government entities: High
  • Small government entities: Medium 


  • Large and medium business entities: High
  • Small business entities: Medium 

Home users: Low 

A vulnerability has been discovered in Veeam Backup & Replication, which could allow for arbitrary code execution. Details of the vulnerability are as follows: 

Tactic: Execution (TA0002):

Technique: Software Deployment Tools (T1072):

  • A vulnerability in Veeam Backup & Replication which could allow remote code execution (RCE) by authenticated domain users. The vulnerability affects Backup & Replication systems that are domain joined. Veeam explicitly mentions that having domain-joined backup servers is against their security and compliance best practices. However, it is acknowledged that this configuration might still be relatively common in practice. (CVE-2025-23120)

Successful exploitation of this vulnerability requires authentication to the domain but could result in arbitrary code execution. Data such as backups and images could be compromised. 

We recommend the following actions be taken:

  • Apply appropriate updates provided by Veeam or other vendors which use this software to vulnerable systems immediately after appropriate testing. (M1051: Update Software)
    • Safeguard 7.1: Establish and Maintain a Vulnerability Management Process: Establish and maintain a documented vulnerability management process for enterprise assets. Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.
    • Safeguard 7.2: Establish and Maintain a Remediation Process: Establish and maintain a risk-based remediation strategy documented in a remediation process, with monthly, or more frequent, reviews.
    • Safeguard 7.4: Perform Automated Application Patch Management: Perform application updates on enterprise assets through automated patch management on a monthly, or more frequent, basis.
    • Safeguard 7.5: Perform Automated Vulnerability Scans of Internal Enterprise Assets: Perform automated vulnerability scans of internal enterprise assets on a quarterly, or more frequent, basis. Conduct both authenticated and unauthenticated scans, using a SCAP-compliant vulnerability scanning tool.
    • Safeguard 7.7: Remediate Detected Vulnerabilities: Remediate detected vulnerabilities in software through processes and tooling on a monthly, or more frequent, basis, based on the remediation process.
    • Safeguard 12.1: Ensure Network Infrastructure is Up-to-Date: Ensure network infrastructure is kept up-to-date. Example implementations include running the latest stable release of software and/or using currently supported network-as-a-service (NaaS) offerings. Review software versions monthly, or more frequently, to verify software support.
    • Safeguard 18.1: Establish and Maintain a Penetration Testing Program: Establish and maintain a penetration testing program appropriate to the size, complexity, and maturity of the enterprise. Penetration testing program characteristics include scope, such as network, web application, Application Programming Interface (API), hosted services, and physical premise controls; frequency; limitations, such as acceptable hours, and excluded attack types; point of contact information; remediation, such as how findings will be routed internally; and retrospective requirements.
    • Safeguard 18.2: Perform Periodic External Penetration Tests: Perform periodic external penetration tests based on program requirements, no less than annually. External penetration testing must include enterprise and environmental reconnaissance to detect exploitable information. Penetration testing requires specialized skills and experience and must be conducted through a qualified party. The testing may be clear box or opaque box.
    • Safeguard 18.3: Remediate Penetration Test Findings: Remediate penetration test findings based on the enterprise’s policy for remediation scope and prioritization.
  • Configure Active Directory to prevent use of certain techniques; use SID Filtering, etc. (Mitigation M1015 : Active Directory Configuration)
    • Safeguard 4.1: Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process: Establish and maintain a secure configuration process for enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile, non-computing/IoT devices, and servers) and software (operating systems and applications). Review and update documentation annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.
    • Safeguard 18.5: Perform Periodic Internal Penetration Tests: Perform periodic internal penetration tests based on program requirements, no less than annually. The testing may be clear box or opaque box.
    • Safeguard 18.3: Remediate Penetration Test Findings: Remediate penetration test findings based on the enterprise’s policy for remediation scope and prioritization.
  • Manage the creation, modification, use, and permissions associated to user accounts. (Mitigation M1018 : User Account Management)
    • Safeguard 6.1: Establish an Access Granting Process: Establish and follow a process, preferably automated, for granting access to enterprise assets upon new hire, rights grant, or role change of a user.
    • Safeguard 6.2: Establish an Access Revoking Process: Establish and follow a process, preferably automated, for revoking access to enterprise assets, through disabling accounts immediately upon termination, rights revocation, or role change of a user. Disabling accounts, instead of deleting accounts, may be necessary to preserve audit trails.
    • Safeguard 6.8: Define and Maintain Role-Based Access Control: Define and maintain role-based access control, through determining and documenting the access rights necessary for each role within the enterprise to successfully carry out its assigned duties. Perform access control reviews of enterprise assets to validate that all privileges are authorized, on a recurring schedule at a minimum annually, or more frequently.
    • Safeguard 15.7: Securely Decommission Service Providers: Securely decommission service providers. Example considerations include user and service account deactivation, termination of data flows, and secure disposal of enterprise data within service provider systems.
  • Architect sections of the network to isolate critical systems, functions, or resources. Use physical and logical segmentation to prevent access to potentially sensitive systems and information. Use a DMZ to contain any internet-facing services that should not be exposed from the internal network. Configure separate virtual private cloud (VPC) instances to isolate critical cloud systems. (Mitigation M1030 : Network Segmentation)
    • Safeguard 3.12: Segment Data Processing and Storage Based on Sensitivity: Segment data processing and storage based on the sensitivity of the data. Do not process sensitive data on enterprise assets intended for lower sensitivity data.
    • Safeguard 4.4: Implement and Manage a Firewall on Servers: Implement and manage a firewall on servers, where supported. Example implementations include a virtual firewall, operating system firewall, or a third-party firewall agent.
    • Safeguard 12.2: Establish and Maintain a Secure Network Architecture: Establish and maintain a secure network architecture. A secure network architecture must address segmentation, least privilege, and availability, at a minimum.
    • Safeguard 12.8: Establish and Maintain Dedicated Computing Resources for All Administrative Work: Establish and maintain dedicated computing resources, either physically or logically separated, for all administrative tasks or tasks requiring administrative access. The computing resources should be segmented from the enterprise’s primary network and not be allowed internet access.
    • Safeguard 16.8: Separate Production and Non-Production Systems: Maintain separate environments for production and non-production systems.
  • Use two or more pieces of evidence to authenticate to a system; such as username and password in addition to a token from a physical smart card or token generator. (Mitigation M1032 : Multi-factor Authentication)
    • Safeguard 6.4: Require MFA for Remote Network Access: Require MFA for remote network access.
    • Safeguard 6.5: Require MFA for Administrative Access: Require MFA for all administrative access accounts, where supported, on all enterprise assets, whether managed on-site or through a third-party provider.



