Online Introductory Courses Available for NIST SP 800-53, SP 800-53A, and SP 800-53B

NIST has released three self-guided online introductory courses on the NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-53 security and privacy control catalog, the SP 800-53A control assessment procedures, and SP 800-53B control baselines. The courses provide a high-level overview of foundational security and privacy risk management concepts based directly on their respective NIST Special Publications.

Course number 800 - 53Security and Privacy Controls Introductory Course Based on SP 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations, the course introduces the SP 800-53 control catalog and each control family.
Course number SP 800 53 a  Assessing Security and Privacy Controls Introductory Course Based on SP 800-53A, Assessing Security and Privacy Controls in Information Systems and Organizations, the course covers the methodology for assessing the SP 800-53 controls. The material also explains the structure of the assessment procedures and assessment objectives.
Course number SP 800 53 b
Control Baselines Introductory Course
Based on SP 800-53B, Control Baselines for Information Systems and Organizations, the course provides an overview of the security and privacy control baselines and guidance for tailoring security and privacy control baselines.

The online introductory courses are available at no cost, and registration is not required. The courses can be accessed at

Please direct questions about the courses to [email protected].

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