Vulnerability in the Backup Migration Plugin for WordPressCould Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution

A vulnerability has been discovered in the Backup Migration Plugin for WordPress, which could allow for remote code execution. The Backup Migration Plugin helps admins automate site backups to local storage or a Google Drive account. Successful exploitation could allow for remote code execution in the context of the Server. Depending on the privileges associated with the logged on user, an attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than those who operate with administrative user rights.
Threat Intelligence Wordfence reports CVE-2023-6553 has been exploited in the Wild. Bleeping Computer reports WordPress administrators are also being targeted by a phishing campaign attempting to trick them into installing malicious plugins using fake WordPress security advisories for a fictitious vulnerability tracked as CVE-2023-45124 as bait.
Systems Affected
Backup Migration versions prior to 1.3.7
– Large and medium government entities: High – Small government entities: Medium
Businesses: – Large and medium business entities: High
– Small business entities: Medium
Home Users: Low
Technical Summary A vulnerability has been discovered in the Backup Migration Plugin for WordPress, which could allow for remote code execution.
Apply appropriate updates provided by WordPress to vulnerable systems immediately after appropriate testing. Apply the Principle of Least Privilege to all systems and services. Run all software as a non-privileged user (one without administrative privileges) to diminish the effects of a successful attack. Vulnerability scanning is used to find potentially exploitable software vulnerabilities to remediate them. Architect sections of the network to isolate critical systems, functions, or resources. Use physical and logical segmentation to prevent access to potentially sensitive systems and information. Use a DMZ to contain any internet-facing services that should not be exposed from the internal network. Configure separate virtual private cloud (VPC) instances to isolate critical cloud systems. Use capabilities to detect and block conditions that may lead to or be indicative of a software exploit occurring.