Identity and Access Management (IAM) represents the complex orchestration of multiple technologies, standards, and protocols that enable someone to access services, benefits, and data—and it’s a key component to creating trusted, modern digital services. NIST has long played a leadership role in advancing critical research, standards, and technology in support of IAM efforts—and this role continues to be a major priority today.
NIST’s multi-disciplinary Identity Program is committed to the advancement of a more secure, privacy-enhancing, and inclusive Identity Ecosystem. We invite you to join us as co-creators of this envisioned end state by contributing to our draft IAM Roadmap, which presents a set of strategic objectives, priorities, and initiatives that we intend to pursue alongside our community of collaborators like you.
Comments received on this initial draft will help NIST gain detailed input and feedback from the public so that our efforts are prioritized to address the most relevant and impactful problems facing our world today.
Please submit comments to [email protected] by Thursday, June 1st, 2023. All relevant comments will be made publicly available on the IAM program page [1].
See the Roadmap! [2]