Secure unmanaged devices with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint now
URL: https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2021/04/13/secure-unmanaged-devices-with-microsoft-defender-for-endpoint-now/
Date Published
(MM/dd/YYYY): 04/13/2021
New Microsoft Defender for Endpoint capabilities let organizations discover
and secure unmanaged workstations, mobile devices, servers, and network
Title: Network device
discovery and vulnerability assessments
URL: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-endpoint/network-device-discovery-and-vulnerability-assessments/ba-p/2267548
Published On (YYYY-dd-MM):2021-13-04
Title: Configuring
exclusions for Splunk on RedHat Linux 7.9
URL: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-endpoint/configuring-exclusions-for-splunk-on-redhat-linux-7-9/ba-p/2261914
Published On (YYYY-dd-MM):2021-13-04
Several customers have approached me on how to configure Splunk antivirus
exclusions for processes, folders, and files within Microsoft Defender for
Endpoint on RedHat Enterprise Linux. This quick reference article has
been created to address this common question.
How far have we come? The evolution of securing identities
URL: https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2021/04/13/how-far-have-we-come-the-evolution-of-securing-identities/
Date Published
(MM/dd/YYYY): 04/13/2021
What are today’s biggest identity challenges?
Have I Been Pwned Founder Troy Hunt talks with Microsoft about the current
state of identity
Title: What’s new:
Incident timeline
URL: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-sentinel/what-s-new-incident-timeline/ba-p/2267683
Published On (MM/dd/yyyy): 04/13/2021
Building a timeline of a cyber security incident is one of the most critical
parts of affective incident investigation and response. It is essential in
order to understand the path of the attack, its scope and to determine
appropriate response measures.
Now in public preview, we are redesigning the Azure Sentinel full incident
page to display the alerts and bookmarks that are part of the incident in a
chronological order. As more alerts are added to the incident, and as more
bookmarks are added by analysts, the timeline will update to reflect the
information known on the incidents.