NIST Mobile Application Single Sign-On: 2nd Draft of SP 1800-13 Available for Comment

The National
Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) at NIST is seeking comments on
revised draft
of the practice guide
SP 1800-13, Mobile Application Single Sign-On
. The
guide aims to help public safety first responder personnel efficiently and
securely gain access to their mission-critical data via mobile devices and

The goal of this project is to
illustrate a method for public safety organizations to deploy efficient and
interoperable multifactor authentication and single sign-on tools to protect
access to sensitive information while meeting the demands of an operational
environment that relies on rapid response. This revision of the original NIST SP
1800-13 was updated at the request of the public safety community to
incorporate iOS version 12. Organizations are encouraged to review the draft
and provide feedback for possible incorporation into the practice guide.

This project will result in a
publicly available NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide (NIST SP 1800 series) –a
detailed implementation guide of the practical steps needed to implement a
cybersecurity reference design that addresses a particular challenge. 

The public comment period ends on June 28, 2019. See the publication details for links to
the document files and instructions for submitting comments.

Publication details:

Project homepage: