Teachers know that real educational success happens when students are engaged and motivated to study. Microsoft delivers a toolset of free technologies and resources to empower teachers to easily respond to individual learners and their course-related interests in an active learning environment. Some of these resources include the following:
Worldwide Telescope (http://www.worldwidetelescope.org). A rich Web application brings together imagery from the best ground- and space-based observatories in the world, including NASA, and allows students and teachers to explore outer space as a way to make science fun.
Photosynth (http://www.microsoft.com/education/products/student/photosynth). Photo-imaging technology stitches together overlapping, panoramic digital photos automatically to create exciting 3-D worlds students can browse and share online.
Digital literacy curriculum (http://www.digitalcitizenshiped.com). Free e-learning modules and assessments teach students about the Internet and the Web, computer basics, productivity programs, computer security and privacy, and digital lifestyles.
Expression Web curriculum (http://expression.microsoft.com/en-us/dd252934.aspx). Free curriculum, tutorials and videos assist educators in teaching middle and high school students Web design; free software is also available via a subscription to the Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance.
Learning Essentials (http://www.microsoft.com/learningessentials). A desktop application runs on top of Microsoft Office helping educators easily create effective instructional resources, complete administrative tasks and implement new teaching strategies.
CareerForward (http://www.microsoft.com/education/uspil/careerforward). A self-contained online course, available to students across the United States, helps schools prepare students for their places in the work force of the future and for career opportunities in a global economy.
More information about the free tools and resources is available at http://www.microsoft.com/education/teachers/default.aspx.