Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer to rally the public around the idea that the technology industry will be a driver of an eventual economic recovery. He also has urged Congress to support new technical skills training for the unemployed.
Microsoft wanted to do its part to help workers acquire the technology skills they need now and over the next decade.
So, Microsoft will create a new Web portal where visitors can learn what skills they lack and easily find resources to learn them.
On the site, they also will be able to access various Microsoft online training programs in order to learn some basic skills, such as how to use the Internet, send e-mail and create a resume, according to a Microsoft statement.
In conjunction with state and local governments, Microsoft also will provide a broad range of training programs and certification exams for free or at low cost.
Specifically, the company will give away 1 million vouchers so people can access Microsoft’s eLearning software courses and some Microsoft business certification exams.
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